You dont have to settle for just getting by with your monthly bills. You can get help with your debt and money problems. Lower your payments and interest with a consolidation loan. Or work with a debt management company so they can handle your creditors and lower your interest rates. Another option is to get advice from a certified credit counselor to point you in the right direction.
Consolidating Your Debt For Lower Rates
Using a home equity loan or personal loan to pay off your old debts can reduce your interest charges. Home equity loans offer the lowest rates. But personal loans offer low rates too.
With interest costs half to a quarter less than credit card interest, you can reduce your payments by hundreds. You can also pay off your debts sooner by paying the same monthly amount. Choose a short term loan to make those payments automatic. Or make additional payments on the principal when you have the extra funds.
Handing Over Credit Worries To A Management Company
Debt management companies can handle your creditors for you. You pay the company each month for all your bills and their fee. They manage payment of your accounts. They also negotiate lower rates for most of your unsecured loans. Even with the fee, you can save money with debt management.
Seeking help through debt management does have some drawbacks for your credit. You may also find that some financing companies are unwilling to lend to you, at least when you first start the program. But once you get your debt under control, your credit profile will be better than before.
Seeking Advice From A Certified Credit Counselor
A certified credit counselor can give you trustworthy advice. Trained in all the ins and outs of credit law and practices, a counselor can help you develop a plan to get out of money troubles. They may suggest simply sticking to a budget or using the help of debt consolidation or management. They may also suggest a particular company, but check them out before you commit.
Before signing with any company, investigate their terms and fees. Comparison shopping and asking questions will protect you from scams and high fees.
To view our list of recommended debt consolidation companies online, visit this
page: Recommended
Debt Consolidation Companies Online.
Carrie Reeder is the owner of ABC Loan
Guide, an informational website about various types of loans.